Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How to settle double router installation problem

I came across some problems while trying to make two routers working together at home. I've got a wired router and a wireless router. Yet I cannot only use the wireless router since the installation of wired router was required by the Internet service carrier. Thereby I was about to put the wired router downstairs as a primary router connected to WAN (Internet) and the wireless router upstairs as a receiver/transmitter. In this way I will be able to use both cable and wireless internet at home. However it doesn't work only if I set the routers as follows.

1. Set up the primary router (wired) using any IP address (usually and turn on the DHCP function (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol).

2. Set up the wireless router and plug it with the cable from the primary router. Notice that the cable should be plugged in a LAN port (not the WAN port which usually located separately next to the LAN ports).

3. Set the IP address of the wireless router differently from the wired router to avoid IP conflict. In this case, the IP address for the wireless router must differ from 192.168.0.X (I set it as for for convenience).

4. Turn off DHCP function of the wireless router in order to avoid duplicated IP assignment.

The preceding procedures turn off the routing function of the wireless router but only use it as a wireless transmitter. In this way, IP assignment conflict can be avoided while connecting both wired and wireless devices to the Internet.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

So Long, Korea

Time flies. I'm leaving Korea for home in a few hours.

"It’s all said and done, it’s real, and it’s been fun."
We had a great time in the past four months but all good things come to an end. Let's stop being emo. It's always a hard time to say goodbye but I believe no matter how far away we are, our brotherhood will never change. I luv u all. Know that we only part to meet again. Hope u had the time of ur life and see u guys later!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Last Day of Korean Class

Finally my Korean class ended up with my last late showing up, before I used up all my "skipping coupons" for the attendance lol...
I really wanna thank to my best ever 선생님, for that even after skipping 28 hours classes and taking 4:15pm to 5:50pm as everyday's napping time, I still got a satisfying grade...
I'm gonna miss all my classmates and our 선생님 soon. Luv the time we spent together, counting in those hours when I was not awake, lmao...

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Panmunjom (JSA) Tour

今天去了板門店,天氣冷到讓人不想下車。不過好在也沒有幾個地方可以允許游客進入,因為豬流感的緣故conference room都不能進去看了。有趣的是在進到可以望見北韓那邊的小塔之前,我們被多次叮囑不能指指點點不能和北韓那邊有交流,結果上去發現,北韓唯一一個在臺階上站崗的士兵(估計天氣太冷朝鮮人民不愿出門吧lol)竟然不止一次地和我們招手,場面頗為和諧。。回來前買了北韓一萬元的紙幣,還有一件DMZ的T-SHIRT。這件T其實我去年暑假在黃石的時候就有見到一個美國人穿,他還問我后面的中文是甚麼意思,當時倒也沒在意,今天走進店里一看到這件衣服就笑了,原來那位老兄比我早來一步。

下面的圖片按順序是:那個北韓士兵站著的地方(點擊放大圖片可看圖示),買的綠色的T,北韓的萬元大鈔(100下面的單位是萬won,此照片被我利用巴士內的頂燈營造出了領袖的光環效果lol),北韓那邊的Propaganda Village里面的160米高的國旗,以及我們和南韓士兵的合影。更多其他照片可移步至 Melo Xulu Wang's Picasa Web Albums 觀看。